
J.K. Hindu charitable hospital


J.K. Hindu charitable hospital is engaged in the service of patients since last 22 years. It is the only multispecialty hospital in Sonepat where orthopedic surgeon, general, laparoscopic and plastic surgeon, physician, cardiologist, eye surgeon, gynaecologist and dental surgeon are available under one roof for serving the needy patients. It is the largest hospital (area wise) in Sonepat and boasts of a healthy environment because of well maintained lawns and trees around the campus. The rooms and general ward are very spacious and well ventilated for the comfort of patients. The hospital has got well equipped operation theatres (3 in number), intensive care unit, modern and computerized lab, X –ray and ultrasound facility. Beside these, the hospital has a functional canteen and mess also. The hospital provides round the clock emergency services .Doctors are available 24 hours in the campus.

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The hospital provides round the clock emergency services .Doctors are available 24 hours in the campus.


Praesent adress

+1 (123) 444-5677
+1 (123) 444-5678

Address: temp adress