Other Facilities

Medical Aid

Medical room facility is available with general medicines headed by supportive and cooperative attendant during school timings. Urgent cases are referred to Cygnus Hindu Charitable Hospital nearby the school campus. All students are subjected to a through medical checkup once a year.

School Canteen

The School canteen offers varied snacks items at subsidized rates. Students are welcome to give suggestions for further improvements to the canteen committee.
Excursion and Tours

To break the monotony of academic education and to satisfy their curiosity, regular trips are arranged for students to museums, art galleries water parks and historical places.
School Publication ‘SWARN’

Hindu Kanya Vidyalya releases an annual magazine ‘SWARN’ which provides its students an opportunity to express their views towards society and nation. It also give then opportunity to exhibit their talent. This Magazine also flashes achievement of the academic year and activities organized round the year.
Remedial Classes

Some students may need more time to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to perform at the level of her peers. These children require some individualized attention and customization of the classroom curriculum to address their difficulties. The school has spanned yet another mile by setting up a centre for remedial education. Students are given remedial sessions after school hours as per their requirements. After customized duration of these sessions, these students perform with their classmates and have shown remarkable improvement.
Scholarship and Aids to Poor and Meritorious Students

Hindu Kanya Vidyalya is keen towards its mission of spreading education to mass and that section of society who are not privileged with amenities. Scholarship funds are maintained to help economically weak girls and they are aided with books, uniform etc. to regularize their studies without hindrances. Also remedial classes are provided free of cost to give them extra attention. Meritorious students also avail concession in their fees and a separate Book Bank is managed for them in library.
Suggestion Box

Any positive and creative suggestions are most welcome from students. Students and parents can leave their suggestions and ideas in suggestion box for the smooth and progressive functioning of school.
Parents Teachers Association

A Parents Teachers Association has been maintained by the school for exchanging suggestions between teachers and parents for the development of students. It comprises of two teachers, two parents and principal of the school.
Legal Cell

School maintains a legal cell with one Advocate, Principal, two teachers and two students members. This cell is active in spreading awareness about legal rights among girls.

Scout and Guide

The Scout and Guide program in our school is a vibrant and dynamic activity that aims to develop the physical, mental, and spiritual well-being of students. Through a variety of activities such as camping, hiking, first aid training, and community service, Scouts and Guides learn valuable skills like teamwork, leadership, and problem-solving. The program also fosters a sense of discipline, responsibility, and patriotism, while encouraging students to explore their potential and develop a sense of adventure. By participating in the Scout and Guide program, students become more confident, self-reliant, and compassionate individuals, equipped to make a positive impact in their communities and the world at large.

Guide Captain Training Camp and ‘State Award Camp’ were organized at ‘Tara Devi’ (Shimla) from 22 July 2014 to 26 July 2024 under the supervision of Guide (LOC) Mrs. Pushpa Devi and Mrs. Neelam. In which two teachers of ‘Hindu Kanya Vidyalaya’ (Mrs. Darshana Malik and Mrs. Bindu) took basic training from the guide captain and eleven girl students of the school received state awards. The Principal of the school, Mrs. ‘Kiran Gupta’ encouraged the students by giving them certificates.