School Rules

  • A Minimum of 75% attendance is must for promotion to the next class.
  • Students participation in all functions and activities of the school is compulsory.
  • All students shall follow the school dress code.
  • Every student shall converse in English on the school campus.
  • Every student shall carry the identity card with her for the identification purpose.
  • School fees must be deposited.
  • The student having mobile phone on the school campus shall be fined Rs. 500/-
  • Golden rings,chain,costly watches are not allowed to wear in school.
  • Parents are requested to check the diary of the ward regularly.
  • Any damage to the school property, caused by negligence or mischief shall be compensated by the defaulter.
  • 100% attendance is compulsory in all the exams prescribed by the school.
  • School management is not responsible for any mishap to the student boarded by personal vehicle.
  • Persons carrying objectionable object shall not be allowed to enter the school premises in any case.


Summer:-                     8.00 a.m. to 2.30 p.m.

Winter:-                        9.00 a.m. to 3.30 p.m.